Scientists have known for some time that hummingbirds prefer bright-colored flowers. On the other hand, all of us know that white is most easily seen at night. That means that moths that pollinate flowers will more easily find white flowers. The question is: What is a flower to do when it is pollinated by hummingbirds during part of its flowering season and by night-flying moths later in its flowering season?

That’s the problem faced by a flowering plant called the gilia. Hummingbirds arrive to pollinate the flowers in mid-July. However, they leave in late August as the weather cools. Also in late August, the night-flying hawk moth arrives to begin pollinating the flower. This arrangement continues until late September. To attract both hummingbirds and moths during its long flowering season, the gilia provides bright red flowers, favored by the hummingbirds, until late August. Then it offers white flowers to attract the hawk moths.

Evolutionary scientists call this an example of evolutionary strategy. Think about that for a moment. How would a flower know what color it is? How would it know which colors are preferred by hummingbirds and which are preferred by moths? A flower could no more decide to change its color than you or I can decide to grow an inch taller.

Both logic and science say that the gilia’s special features are intelligently designed by a truly gifted engineer. Why not, then, recognize the work of our all-wise Creator for what it is!

Matthew 6:27
“Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?”

Prayer: I confess, heavenly Father, that I worry too much. I know that You are in charge of the universe and I am not. Forgive my worry for the sake of Your Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and strengthen my trust in You. Amen.

 Ref: “Plants change colors to lure pollinators.” Science Digest, May 1985. p. 19. Photo:  Gilia achilleifolia by NPS (PD)

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