Across the Western world, many are rising up against globalism.

Even many Canadians are finally fed up with globalism. The largest Ukrainian population outside of Russia is in Canada, where nearly 5% of its population, or 1.4 million people, is Ukrainian.

The Conservative Party of Canada unanimously voted against a trade agreement with Ukraine, in a humiliation of Canada’s far-left prime minister Justin Trudeau who had signed the deal in expectation of full support. Instead of explaining why he thinks globalism is good for Canada, he lashed out at Donald Trump.

In the U.S. Senate, where the much-criticized uni party of pro-globalist senators controls the agenda, a vote on sending many billions more to Ukraine is expected soon. New Speaker Mike Johnson and other conservatives in the House deserve credit for not including this in their recent continuing resolution to fund our government.

This leaves Democrats in a quandary as the presidential election heats up. Biden is closely associated in voters’ minds with an open southern border that has let in 10 million illegal aliens during his presidency.

Democrats are suddenly hinting that they might agree to modest measures to close our open southern border. But that’s just pre-election talk by Biden’s team as they see the handwriting on the wall for voters to turn against him for allowing so many illegals into our country.

Any tightening of our southern border in 2024 will just be reopened again if Biden or any Democrat were to win the next presidential election. It is not enough for Democrats to talk about closing a bit of the southern border, but instead need to take action to undo the massive amount of damage they have already caused by their open-border policies.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott just endorsed Trump for president, belatedly, as Trump visited the rampage by illegals over the Texas-Mexico border. Trump now has strong allies in Argentina, Italy, Greece, Hungary, and elsewhere as his admirers have swept to victory.

This post originally appeared at

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