Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Have you heard of the Ten Commandments? Well, you can read this famous passage in Exodus 20. A few of them are to have no other gods before the one, true God, to not take the Lord’s name in vain, to keep the Sabbath day, to not murder, to not steal, and to not lie. And in modern times, sometimes these laws of God are looked down upon. But truly, they serve an incredible purpose. Not only do they clearly show us what is right and wrong, but it also gives us a view to our own hearts. Jesus taught that if we hate someone, it’s the same as murder; if we think lustful thoughts, it’s the same as adultery. The law of God shows us that we need a Savior to forgive us of our sins. And praise be to God—a sinless Savior came for us. His name is Jesus. For all who put their trust in Him, they are declared righteous before Almighty God. Learn to share this wonderful news with others at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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