Many different creatures, from mice to insects, eat seeds. The tropical forest offers the greatest variety of seeds found anywhere in the world. The problem is that among this great variety are seeds that are poisonous and others that are hard as rocks. Yet, even these seeds are used for food by some creatures.

One vine like legume that grows in the jungle produces seeds that are highly poisonous to insects. Yet, there is one beetle that is able to eat these highly nutritious seeds – even gaining extra nutrition for itself from the poison.

The Hymenaea protects its seeds another way. Hymenaea seeds are locked within a very tough, woody pod that no one in the tropical forest is interested in eating – if they can even get it open. But one mouse that lives on the jungle floor is up to the task. This small mouse opens the pods and stores the seed in its pouch like cheeks. Back in its nest, the mouse bites a small notch in the hard seed to help it absorb water. He then buries it in his den. Before long, the seed germinates and the mouse has a tasty and tender seedling to eat.

Evolutionists tell us that farming was one of the major advances that helped primitive humans become modern. How, then, do they explain mice who not only farm but who know how to improve the germination of their crops? A better explanation is that the Creator shared this bit of farming wisdom with the mouse when He made it.

Psalm 145:15
“The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season.”

Dear Lord, I thank You that You have stocked the creation with so much food and that You have given each of Your creatures the wisdom necessary to use that food for their benefit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Science 84, April 1984. p. 65.  Image: Hymenaea courbaril (PD)

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