Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

You know, I’ve heard people say that tracts don’t work anymore. They say that they’re a thing of the past. Well, don’t tell that to Dr. Varga. You see, more than a decade ago, a stranger handed her a tract – one of our tracts, to be precise. The tract prompted her curiosity. She read it, discovered the free gift of eternal life, and trusted Jesus Christ as her Savior! Well, years later, she purchases those tracts a thousand at a time in order to share, in her words, “the beautiful message which she received with as many people as she can.” You know, sometimes we’re able to go through the tract with the person we’re sharing with, while other times there’s only enough time to say, “The message in this booklet changed my life, and I think it can change yours too.” Either way, why not give tract evangelism a try? For a free online Gospel tract you can use wherever you go, visit our website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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