For generations it was a rule that reptiles were cold blooded. And turtles, being reptiles, were therefore called cold blooded as well. Being cold blooded, it was expected that the body temperature of turtles would be close to that of the surrounding water.

It was creation scientist Dr. Wayne Frair who first discovered a “warm blooded” turtle in the early 1970s. He and two other scientists published their historic research in the journal Science in 1972. They reported the discovery of a giant leatherback turtle weighing 920 pounds that was able to maintain a body temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit, even when placed in a tank of 45 degree water. Leatherback turtles range from warm tropical waters to cold northern waters, often migrating between them.

This discovery actually shatters two false claims made by evolutionary science. First of all, it proves that reptiles can be warm blooded and that the leatherback turtle is warm blooded. Secondly, this is one of many examples answering the claim that scientists who believe in creation aren’t real scientists. Over the years, many scientists who believe in creation have made important discoveries in science.

This shouldn’t surprise us, since science studies the material world that the Creator made. Scientists who believe in creation are actually in a better position to learn what He has done than those who deny Him.

Psalm 150:2
“Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.”

Father in heaven, let my faith in You and Your work of salvation for me help my work show forth Your excellence as a witness before all. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Ref: Discovery. BibleScience Newsletter, Apr. 1973, p. 2. Imaage; Leatherback turtle. (PD)

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