Back in the 1990s, new fossil discoveries in China were greeted by evolutionists as among the most spectacular of the century. The fossils, said evolutionists, represented some of the earliest multicelled creatures. Evolutionists publicized these fossils as evidence for evolution. However, it’s not difficult to see how these fossils support creation rather than evolution. Evolutionists admit that the fossils show that the first multicelled creatures appeared suddenly. This confirms creationist claims that life appeared suddenly and without evolutionary ancestors.

These “first” multicelled creatures were complex and complete. There were no fossils with partially developed eyes or other organs. They include trilobites that had some of the most complex eye structures of any creature that ever lived. There are also fossils of shrimp-like creatures and creatures with hard shells. Some of the animals were over two feet long. Now that’s a big jump when you remember that the previous step was a single-celled algae!

There are no evolutionary missing links. The evolutionists said that the creatures all belong to groups that still exist. This means that science has now documented the history of some kinds of creatures alive today right back to the very first record of multicelled life. In other words, these creatures never evolved! Also of interest is how evolutionists explain the size of this fossil deposit, which is miles across. One evolutionist said, “A violent storm probably stirred up the sea bottom and the mud settled over a large area…”

Exodus 31:17
“It [is] a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.”

Prayer: Father in heaven, I do not understand how You could have so quickly designed and created the millions of kinds of living things that You did. Help me to believe Your Word, even when my poor, sinful, created mind cannot understand how wonderful You are. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Notes: Wilford, John Noble. “Fast Evolutionary Jump Led to Complex Life, Study Says.” Star Tribune, Wednesday, April 24, 1991. P. 4A. Photo: Fossil (PD)

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