Photo: J. D. Vance (53809189276).jpg, June 2024; Author: Gage Skidmore; Lic.: CC BY-SA 2.0

“JD Vance is weird.” Shortly after the RNC in July, this became a strong angle of attack from the Democratic party and their left-wing online propagandists. It’s their new meme. Astroturf is the fake grass used in a football stadium. Online, Astroturf is used to refer to something that claims to be genuine or organic but clearly has backing from the narrative machine. The “JD Vance is weird” meme is blatant and ironic Astroturf. You can tell something is Astroturf when a narrative machine apparatus, in this case, the New York Times, swears up and down that the meme is funny and organic.

JD Vance came from a working-class family, worked hard, went to good schools, and even served in the United States armed forces to protect our country. He is now a proud father and a strong Christian. He is intelligent and charismatic. It is really hard to figure out what’s weird about him.

The meme is ironic because those pushing that Vance is weird come from the side in favor of rampant LGBT ideology and transgenderism for kids. It comes from the side that worships the profane and ugly, the same side that railed against Trump’s architectural beautification project during his Presidency.

Weird as a category used to go along with the punks and the rebels. The reality is that it still does. In saying that Vance and Republicans are weird, the left is admitting that they are no longer the cutting edge, the rebels, the boundary pushers. Now, the left is the suffocating enforcement of repression and religious fanaticism.

Vance, and the conservative world, are weird to the left because they are cool. They are now the ones bucking the system. We, as conservatives, are the cutting edge, the ones breaking the social taboos imposed on us by the new tyranny: left-wing ideology.

This post originally appeared at

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