Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Do your Halloween plans this evening involve the Gospel? As believers, we should try to do everything that we can to point people to the Gospel. Last year, my church held a big event on Halloween with more candy than you could count! It was open to the community so there was a huge crowd. The focus, however, was not on candy, though every child left with more than they could eat. The focus was the Gospel. Every child and parent heard a clear Gospel presentation and an invitation to accept Christ as Lord and Savior…all before they got to the candy and to the carnival attractions! And while your event may be different, the message can be the same. Be thinking about how you can share the hope you have tonight. Perhaps it starts with candy and leads to a Gospel conversation or perhaps an opportunity to share your testimony. Whatever it is, let your light shine! For more, visit

This post originally appeared at

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