The left’s obsession with smearing JD Vance as “weird” reveals far more about their values than his. The most ludicrous attack—lies that Vance wrote about obscene acts in his book—was gleefully spread by Democrats, including failed VP candidate Tim Walz. This same Walz has championed radical policies like tampons in boys’ bathrooms, post-birth abortions, and allowing children to reject parental guidance under the guise of transgender rights. The irony is glaring: those who normalize bizarre behaviors label JD Vance “weird” for leading a traditional, moral life.

If Vance had embraced the left’s values—engaging in drug use, indulging in destructive behaviors, or claiming a gender identity for social capital—he’d be hailed as “brave” and “cool.” Instead, Vance represents the antithesis of their nihilism. Coming from a broken home, raised by his grandmother, he chose self-discipline over self-destruction. He served his country, graduated from Yale Law on merit alone, married a loving wife, raised a family, and championed American businesses. In the eyes of the left, these achievements are “cringe” because they expose the emptiness of their worldview.

Calling JD Vance “weird” is a schoolyard insult weaponized by elites who fear his example. His life dismantles the narrative that only privilege or victimhood can lead to success. Vance’s story proves that rejecting the left’s so-called “cool” values—sexual liberation, drug culture, and disdain for tradition—leads to a flourishing life.

Americans recognize this. JD Vance resonates with voters because he embodies the values most Americans admire: hard work, faith, and family. The left’s mean-girl politics can’t obscure the truth—Vance’s life is a roadmap for overcoming adversity and achieving greatness. He stands as a living rebuke to the hollow “luxury beliefs” of elites, offering hope to millions that self-discipline and traditional values still lead to the American dream.

Cool and Weird as Luxury Beliefs

This post originally appeared at

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