Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

What is the natural response to a Savior who loves us so much that He came to earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, rose again from the dead, and is in Heaven right now offering us the free gift of eternal life? Well, it’s to tell others about Him! When we put our trust in Jesus, He gives us new life because of His resurrected one! And out of gratitude, we should be always be ready to pray, give, and share the Gospel with others. This is exactly what happened in Ron’s life. When Christ called him to go do the impossible through a call to Africa, He challenged him to reach every nation with the Gospel. And he said…”You Want Me To Do What?!?” And yet he responded in gratitude and obedience, and stepped out in faith. And you know what? You can you do the same this week where we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. For a full interview of Ron and to visit our website, you can go to

This post originally appeared at

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