Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

In the New Testament, Jesus performs miracle after miracle, healing on the lame, the sick, and the blind. He even raised His friend Lazarus from the dead! Christ has the power to heal us physically; but, you know, the biggest miracle of all is that Jesus can also heal us spiritually. Psalms 103 says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not his benefits, He forgives all of our iniquity, who heals all of our disease…” Physical illness is one of the awful side effects of sin coming into the world in the Garden of Eden. And the curse of sin has caused this world and everything in it to decay. But Jesus has compassion for the sick and the hurting. Through His death on the cross, He offers anyone who puts their trust wholly, firmly in Him healing from their sin and complete healing one day in Heaven. Let’s share the Savior’s love with those around us. For more on who Jesus is, visit

This post originally appeared at

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