Kerby Anderson
Dr. Sean McDowell reminds us, “Apologetics in an ever-changing culture must be about taking timeless truths and applying them to timely issues and challenges.” Sixteen years ago, he was the editor of the book, Apologetics for a New Generation, and I have recommended it as a resource. At the time, he and the other authors attempted to answer many of the questions teenagers and college students were asking.
He has updated that information in his new book, Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture. He argues that we need apologetics now more than ever because Christian students are bombarded by anti-Christian messages on social media, in the classroom, and among friends.
When he was on my radio program earlier this month, we talked about some of the additions and changes in his new book. For example, he said that if someone suggested he have an author write a chapter on transgenderism, he would wonder why that should be included. The chapter on the transgender debate is a necessary addition.
Even though Sean studied philosophy, it didn’t seem like the earlier book should include a chapter on critical theory. Anyone who has heard anything about critical race theory or critical queer theory, knows why that chapter was included.
His book also highlights the work of men and women making a significant contribution to the discussion. One example is the addition of a chapter on urban apologetics. Another is a chapter by Natasha Crain on “doing apologetics in the home.”
The forward to both books is written by David Kinnamen, CEO of the Barna Group. You will also appreciate some of the interviews Sean does with apologists like Lee Strobel, Jeff Myers, and Hillary Morgan Ferrer.
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