Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

It’s time to get creative! The truth is, as a body of Christ, we all bring different skills and passions. And so do the younger people in the church! And we can meet them in the middle and use their passions as a way to disciple them. In Romania, every summer they hold a national camp for a week where they focus on discipling teenagers. And every year, there are around one hundred and twenty students from across Europe—and the world!—who join. They focus on three key areas: equipping them with how to share the Gospel, street evangelism and reaching the community, and sports activities like zip lining, competitions, mountain climbing, and all kinds of sports. Not only are these young people sharing their faith and seeing other’s hearts and lives changed, they are also having a blast doing it! Now what can we do to disciple the young people in our churches in how the Gospel? Let’s meet them where they’re at. For resources, visit

This post originally appeared at

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