Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

As Pride Month is about to end, it is worth considering who really has power in America. Earlier this month, Carl Trueman wrote about the LGBTQ Establishment, saying that Pride Month shows who really has power in America. The last four weeks validate his prediction made June 1st.

He is known for his bestselling book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution. He has been on my radio program not only to talk about that book but his latest book, which is a shorter version of the first book. He documents the history of the sexual revolution and the philosophy behind it. That, of course, includes the rise of homosexuality and sexual politics.

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He reminds us, “Even accounting firms, surely the most boring of institutions (and I write as the son of an accountant) feel the need to post rainbows in windows, affirm support for LGBTQ politics on their webpages.” He correctly argues that Pride Month is about the ownership of space and time and power. It is “an opportunity to erase from public view those who refuse to acknowledge that power.”

Pride Month “puts the lie to the notion that the LGBTQ community itself somehow represents the marginalized. Not at all. It’s the establishment.” After, the truly marginalized don’t have a month celebrating their existence nor do they have their own flag everyone is supposed to be flying.

Yes, there has been some pushback. But the fact that corporations and even baseball teams are willing to double down on promoting the LGBTQ agenda illustrates who owns the public space. Let’s stop the false claim of marginalization. Marginalized people don’t have their own month and their own flag. That’s the real lesson of Pride Month.viewpoints new web version

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