Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

What good is an empty toolbox? Now, the answer is pretty obvious—it’s not very helpful! My grandad was a tool guy. And every week, he would take part of his salary, head up to the local Sears, and buy a new tool. He was quick to tell me a saying that has been around awhile, “the right tool, for the right job.” Of course, that applies to construction and manufacturing, or a mechanic, like my grandad; but did you know it also applies to sharing your faith? Having the right tool when we share our faith can give us the boldness we all need to step out to talk to people about Jesus. Now what might be some of those tools in your witnessing toolbox? Well, for starters, your testimony. It doesn’t need to be your entire life story; it can be a recent example of how God is working in your life. For more suggestions on what should go into your “witnessing toolbox,” visit our website at For tips, tools, and resources, come and visit us at

This post originally appeared at

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