1 Samuel 11:1
“Then Nahash the Ammonite came up and encamped against Jabesh Gilead; and all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, ‘Make a covenant with us, and we will serve you.’”

Over the last couple of centuries many Bible scholars have developed a skeptical approach to the Bible. Their treatment of the Bible as nothing more than a human document stems from their belief in evolution. According to them, Christianity has evolved from earlier religions just as humans evolved.

As a result, critics reject the idea that the Bible is God’s inerrant, inspired, trustworthy Word. Because they hold this low view of the Bible, they believe that they have found many errors in the Bible over the years. At one time they said that the Hittites mentioned in the Old Testament never existed. They said that ancient biblical writers invented these people so that Israel could make up pretend victories over them. Eventually the Hittites were discovered, one of the first evidences being hard-to-ignore six-foot-tall jars! Over the years these critics have been consistently proven wrong by new discoveries.

Likewise, critics have said that the Israelites could not have entered Canaan when the Old Testament says they did. They reason that because the Old Testament mentions the Ammonites, which critics said didn’t live in Canaan until later, the Bible’s dating is in error. However, in the summer of 1989, biblical archaeologists proved that the Ammonites were in Canaan well before the Bible’s date for the exodus. Again Bible critics have been proven wrong.

As one biblical archaeologist wrote, “As usual the absence of evidence is not necessarily the evidence of absence.” When the Bible says something is true, there is no question of its truth.

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank You that Your Word is always true, because people are easily fooled and fall into error. Build me up in both faith and the knowledge of Your Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.  

REF: Late bronze city found in Jordan. Archaeology and Biblical Research, v. 4, n. 1., Winter 1991. p. 27. Photo: Hittite chariot from an Egyptian relief.

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