When Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was ambushed with a lightning-fast impeachment, some conservatives were quick to come to his defense, the strongest of which was Donald Trump. Texas’s own Sen. Ted Cruz said, “For the last nine years, Ken has been the strongest conservative AG in the country. Bar none.” Texas Republican Party Chairman Matt Rinaldi strongly defended Paxton and described the proceeding as a “sham” that was “led by a liberal speaker trying to undermine his conservative adversaries.”

A total of 23 Republicans courageously voted against removing Paxton. None of the Democrats did, although some criticized it. The most senior Democrat in the House, the African American Harold Dutton, Jr., eloquently spoke against how improper the impeachment was. On TruthSocial Trump exclaimed to thunderous support by tens of thousands, “MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s impeachment?” As Trump hinted at, the silent Republicans share something in common. In addition to Abbott’s shamefully going AWOL, Trump’s presidential rivals have likewise been silent, as has the senior U.S. Senator from Texas, John Cornyn. All these Republicans depend on heavy support by dark money mega-donors, who are mostly globalist billionaires seeking their own self-serving agenda that includes an open border.

Most of the 60 Texas Republicans who voted for Paxton’s removal probably feared retaliation by the dark money globalists, as there are no campaign donation limits in Texas. Gov. Abbott himself has been a frequent attendee to the Koch network donor confabs, whose members funnel money to those who back their agenda and try to punish those who get in their way. Without a doubt, the effects of this dark money can be felt even in states that are thought of as being conservative.

However, outsider candidates like Donald Trump have been increasingly bringing this dark money into the light, leaving many voters with a much clearer picture of who has the ear of their elected officials. Dark money isn’t going away in politics, but light truly is the best disinfectant. By bringing these dark money influences to light, conservatives can curb the power of those who would cast down conservative voices like Ken Paxton.

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/liberalism-and-conservatism/big-government/dark-money-exposed-in-ken-paxton-ambush/

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