Politics is downwind from culture, and so it is a worthy headline to pay attention to when the Netherlands crowned as the winner of its Miss Universe pageant a man competing as a trans woman. Sporting an elegant hairdo, this winning candidate had previously competed on the television show “Holland’s Next Top Model.”
Meanwhile here in the United State, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, considered the foremost health authority in our country until it mishandled the Covid pandemic, has come out entirely on the side of the transgender agenda. Recently the CDC’s website endorsed the ludicrous idea of “chestfeeding,” whereby men without breasts attempt to fake the production of breast milk with the use of dangerous drugs.
These are just a few of the many examples of recent attacks that have been promulgated against the biological distinctions between men and women.Thankfully, many state legislatures are courageously coming to the rescue of the most vulnerable victims of transgender ideology. States are outlawing the dangerous procedures which cause irreversible damage to the reproductive systems and mental wellbeing of children.
Other states have refused to protect children from transgender operations, and this cultural battle is far from over. In California, a recall campaign rages against a few conservatives who were elected last year to a school board near Los Angeles. Yet, conservatives should take heart in knowing that this is a very winnable fight. Righteousness is on our side, and the American public is not on board with subjecting children to Frankenstein-esque surgeries in which healthy organs are mutilated and removed to conform to a delusion held by the children, or in even scarier cases, by a parent.
If COVID taught us anything, it is that our nation should not be ruled by a technocracy. The so-called “experts” are not the ones who best reflect the values of our communities. I applaud those state legislators who have listened to their constituents by passing these important bills to ban transgender surgeries on children. I hope more will have the courage to do the same.
This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/family/the-attack-on-girls-and-boys/