The attempt in Georgia to ruin the lives of 19 Republican leaders with a sham indictment should not be accepted by Americans nationwide. Georgia taxpayers should not be looted by the Fulton County prosecutor with this travesty foisted on the rest of the country, and the American people should not go along with this abuse of power. Leftists are exploiting a weakness in our political system that for too long has given nearly unlimited and unaccountable power to low-level prosecutors. A county prosecutor has no business interfering with the election for president of the United States, yet Democrats are so determined to hold onto the White House in 2024 that they are willing to go even to that extreme.

Their single-minded purpose is to prevent – at all costs – the election of a conservative as president. If they succeed at blocking or even imprisoning Trump, no other candidate is likely to take on the Establishment ever again. The notion that one partisan Democrat county prosecutor can paralyze our presidential election by indicting 19 Republicans, including the front-runner for president, would be comical if portrayed in a movie, but the insanity doesn’t even stop there. In addition to trying to destroy the 19 named defendants, the Democrat county prosecutor in Atlanta absurdly smears 30 more Republicans as unindicted alleged co-conspirators. CNN has identified most of them, including a former New York City police commissioner and even the head of the well-respected conservative group Judicial Watch.

Fani Willis, the county prosecutor responsible for this madness, deserves to have her say in the 2024 election. I fully support her right to vote however she chooses, and even to volunteer for whatever candidate she wants on her personal time. However, what I cannot support is her efforts to single handedly remove the choice of Donald Trump from other voters by exploiting her position of power. That is un-American to the very core and every elected official on both sides of the aisle should be speaking out against this blatant election interference.

This post originally appeared at

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