I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the Dobbs decision was not the end of the pro-life movement. It was only a new beginning. There are still many battles to be fought and won to secure dignity for every human life. Dobbs did not make abortion illegal. It simply returned the issue of abortion back to the states. Thankfully, many states have stepped up to the plate. Twenty-four state legislatures have taken action to protect unborn life since Dobbs. Eighteen have passed near-total abortion bans, while another six have passed heartbeat laws to protect the unborn around six weeks. Eight of these twenty-four laws have seen legal challenges that temporarily block their enforcement.

All of these state efforts are wonderful to see, but let’s not forget that there are many other injustices that life-affirming Americans have a duty to correct. Just a few months ago, the Democrat-controlled Maine Senate struck down a proposed amendment aimed at stopping the trafficking of aborted baby body parts within the state. In truth, only a few states have such legislation on the books, including both solidly red states like Alabama and South Dakota, as well as some less conservative states like Michigan.

There are two excellent reasons why pro-lifers should be sponsoring legislation to stop this brutal blood money from flowing in our states. First, the sale of unborn children’s bodies for medical experimentation is a moral evil that should not be allowed in a civilized society. Second, every state legislator and governor should be forced to go on record as to whether he will stand against this evil. It should not be controversial to say that human bodies should be treated with respect. Incentivizing abortion providers by letting them sell the bodies of any children they kill is not good for anyone. The fight to affirm life in America is still going on in this post-Roe world. History is watching to see who will be brave enough to stand on the side of righteousness.

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/family/sanctity-of-life/end-the-sale-of-aborted-children/

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