Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash, resized

Free speech on college campuses has been a subject of great debate for decades. These ivory-towered institutions were once bastions of speech where differing ideas could be proposed, discussed, researched, and meted out. However, the prevailing leftist dogma has decided that it does not want to permit opposing viewpoints to be expressed. Hence, many colleges and universities adopt rigid speech codes that punish conservative ideas. Some students at the University of Minnesota-Morris have taken that dogma one step further by illegally tampering with materials distributed by the UMM College Republicans.

UMM hosts a tack board for students to post announcements on as a “free speech zone.” The College Republicans would post flyers on the board, scattered among other flyers for “Pride Month,” “LGBTQIA2S” plays, and wealth redistribution. Yet, the conservative materials would always mysteriously disappear. With permission from campus security, the College Republicans installed a hidden camera right next to another broken security camera and captured footage of student after student defacing, hiding, or stealing the College Republicans’ flyers. The evidence was turned over to the Stevens County Attorney’s Office, and action taken against the five individuals caught destroying the property is still pending. In the meantime, the school has instructed the College Republicans to take down their hidden camera and has installed a new camera of their own.

There are a multitude of lessons to learn from this sad tale of intrigue. First, leftists who claim to embrace free speech are hypocrites. Their outlandish claims that anyone who disagrees with them is “literally Hitler” is not compatible with respectful and open dialogue. We shouldn’t be surprised that a worldview that espouses such drama would also quash free speech.

Second, it is possible to expose the hypocrisy of the left, as these College Republicans have so beautifully demonstrated. By expertly employing a hidden camera, they have not only exposed the wrongdoers, but have also brought national attention to the issue of free speech on college campuses. Well done, UMM College Republicans!

This post originally appeared at

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