Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

In the days we find ourselves in, there has never been a more vital time for hope. Everywhere we look, we see evil and sin permeating the culture. We see others go through hard situations and we even deal with those ourselves. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention shares that the 11th leading cause of death in our country is suicide. In 2021, there were an estimated 1.7 million attempts. Now, we can look at these numbers and feel hopeless. But today I have Good News, and that’s that God offers real hope. He does so through the nail-scarred hands of Jesus. When we put our trust firmly and only in Him, Jesus breathes hope into our dead hearts and makes us new creations in Him. And our hope is not dependent upon our circumstances but is firmly planted in Jesus alone. There’s an urgency to share this with others! Learn how by visiting

This post originally appeared at

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