**Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // January 2009 **

In 2004, a 4-3 decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Court mandated same-sex marriage. Now, same-sex relationships are taught to children in public schools. Even back in 2005, this began when a kindergartner named Jacob Parker was given a book called Who’s in a Family? which included pictures of two-dad and two-mom families.

In 2006, second-grader Joey Wirthlin was subjected to a story of a prince who had been ordered by his mother to get married. The prince rejects several princesses and then chooses another prince. The book showed a wedding scene of the two princes, and the last page shows the two boys kissing with a red heart over their mouths.

The Parker and Wirthlin parents asked their schools to give them advance notice before subjecting their children to these teachings, which violate their religious beliefs. The schools refused. The parents then sued, and the trial court ruled against them. The parents appealed to a higher court. The families were ably represented by courageous attorneys, but filing briefs against them were the American Civil Liberties Union, the Anti-Defamation League, the Lesbian & Straight Education Network, the Human Rights Campaign, the Massachusetts Teachers Association, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, the Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association, and many other groups.

The First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously against the families and even denied parents the right to opt-out their children from the courses. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case, so the decision against parents’ rights in public schools stood as law. In this case are the roots of the widespread attack on parents’ rights that we are still seeing today. The LGBT agenda has only intensified in recent years, and organizations like those listed above are more concerned than ever with forcing this agenda on your kids. Parents must find ways to educate their children that do not involve sodomite propaganda. We must fight back in the school board meetings and by taking our children out of public schools.

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/family/parental-rights-lose-in-school-and-court-2/

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