Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you celebrate this day of love or not, it is a great opportunity to ask those around you, “What would you say true love is?” You’ll get many answers in return and an opportunity to ask them, “Can I tell you about how I have found the greatest love I have ever experienced?” This can lead to a spiritual conversation where you cashare your testimony of when you received Christ and understood God’s love. His love is different from human affection because it is unconditional, sacrificial, and never-ending. It also never fails. He showed it clearly through sending His only Son to earth to live the perfect life we couldn’t and die in our place. Through His sacrifice, we have an opportunity to accept what He has done and be forgiven of all of our sins. What an amazing gift! And He offers it to all who would believe. So who can you share God’s love with today? For more on the Gospel and how you can share it, visit www.sharelife.today.
This post originally appeared at https://sharelifetoday.podbean.com/e/true-love-valentine-s-day-special/