Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

You know that noise your smoke detector makes when it needs new batteries? It causes some annoyance and anxiety, doesn’t it? No one wants to be around that screeching! You know, sometimes we can be just like that loud noise that no one wants to hear. The Apostle Paul says we can do very good things, but if our words are not spoken out of love, it’s just a bunch of noise.

So what is love? Now, I’m not talking about romantic love. That’s a fleeting emotion that won’t be consistent throughout time – it’s certainly not unconditional. I am talking about the unwavering, unconditional love of God. First John says we love because He first loved us. Without the love of Jesus, we’ll never know what true love is. Can you imagine never knowing the love of God? Friends, this is why it’s so important that we make sure that we’re spreading the love of Jesus to everyone we can. Not sure where to start? We would love to help. Visit

This post originally appeared at

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