Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Every testimony is important. Now for some of us, we came to have a relationship with Christ later on in life. We have a clear “before” and “after” story about when Jesus came into our hearts. But did you know, this is not the only testimony that God uses? If you grew up knowing Jesus from a very young age, I want you to know that your story matters too. You know, it’s often thought that these are “less powerful” ones because they’re not full of drastic and sudden change. However, it’s not the case at all! You have a lifetime of stories sharing the benefits of having a relationship with Christ. Lois says that Jesus is her friend and Savior. Because she is naturally a shy person, she doesn’t tend to meet others easily. But God has placed a handful of meaningful friends in her life who help her to grow in her walk with Jesus. And she has seen God give her the boldness to lead others to Him. What an amazing testimony! Learn to share yours at

This post originally appeared at

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