Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

This past August, there was a children’s evangelism training in Canada where pastors and lay leaders learned how to share the Gospel with and disciple the youngest of their congregations! The participants of this event spanned eight churches of different denominations. At the end of the long week of training, the Romanian Baptist Church where the event was held had a community outreach. The children from the outreach along with the children invited from the eight different churches all got to hear the Gospel. This merging of nine congregations was very special, and they had two different events united to share the Good News! And it doesn’t stop there—two months after the children’s evangelism training, one of the graduates, using what they learned at the training, was able to share the Gospel with the children at their daughter’s birthday party. And they all prayed to accept Jesus as their Savior! Want to learn more about sharing your faith? Well, visit our website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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