Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

When you have a personal encounter with the risen Savior, everything changes. What matters to us is different. What we spend our time doing changes. Jesus commissioned us before he ascended into heaven, “Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations!” And we need to be about the Father’s business now, before it’s too late! Ron was a missionary and went out with his team to a very remote village in Nigeria. And they saw five elderly men sitting on a wall, and one of the men said, “Come tell us about God!” Ron joyfully shared the Gospel with them. And that day, all five men prayed to receive Jesus and the gift of eternal life. Afterwards, one of the men asked Ron, “How long have you known about this Jesus?” Well, Ron started to count up the number of years. And then the next question was like a spear through Ron’s heart. “Why did you wait so long to come?” Let me encourage you, friend—today is the day to share the Gospel! Hear more of Ron’s story at

This post originally appeared at

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