Romans 8:29
“For whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
How does your nose work? Medical researchers admit that they don’t know. Your nose performs an extremely unlikely job. It senses invisible molecules in the air and turns each molecule into a unique sensation that is sent to the brain. If the fact that molecules floating in the air could be detected was a modern discovery, it would be hailed as the scientific discovery of the century!
Medical researchers do know that the roof of your nose cavity contains about 10 million cells that are wired directly into the brain. The nervous system that connects your olfactory cells to your brain is so large and complex that its surface area is several times greater than the surface area of your body. Researchers also know that your sense of smell is important to your sense of taste. For example, that’s why, when you have a head cold, chocolate tastes like a flavorless waxy paste. In this case what you taste in your mouth has more to do with what is happening in your nose than on your tongue.
Many creatures, including birds, can sense odors. Farmers who had difficulty with birds eating as much as 20% of the food set out in feed lots discovered that birds hate the smell of grapes. When they laced the feed with grape scent, the birds left it alone, but the cattle didn’t seem to mind.
Researchers have also learned that each of us has a unique “odor print.” This reminds us that each of us is a unique being, made by our Creator because He wanted to have a relationship with us.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank You for the richness that the gift of smell adds to my life. Your provision of such additional rich experiences reminds me that You are concerned about my life both here and in eternity. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
REF.: Dawson, Jim. 1990. Nose is now. Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Nov. 8. p. 20A. Photo: Mona Lisa details (PD)
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