Yesterday I told you about how President Biden’s executive order on guns falsely targets gun manufacturers. Today I’d like to point out some of the other ways that Biden’s order fails to do anything meaningful about violent crime. Biden openly stated that his order treads as close to the line of the Second Amendment as he possibly can. Let’s take a look at some of the tired falsehoods that Biden relied upon while making his announcement.
Biden heavily leaned on the false claim that the 1990s federal ban on so-called “assault weapons” which he says he championed was somehow responsible for a decrease in mass shootings for the ten years that it was in effect. Yet, a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Center for Criminology, which could hardly be considered a right-leaning source, concluded that no link could be drawn between the ban and a drop in mass shootings. The study said, “there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence, based on indicators like the percentage of gun crimes resulting in death or the share of gunfire incidents resulting in injury.” Despite this academic evidence, President Biden falsely claims credit for something he did not do.
Biden also claimed that his executive action’s focus on background checks will keep criminals from getting their hands on firearms. Yet, anyone who has ever purchased a firearm knows that you already have to get a background check to buy a gun. The glaring exception is if you are a criminal and don’t purchase your firearm through legal means. Crooks don’t have to get a background check when they steal firearms out of cars and homes, nor do they need a background check when they buy a gun off of the street.
Yet, President Biden couldn’t be bothered in his big speech to talk about the best way to keep gun crimes from happening, and that is by putting an end to the soft-on-crime policies that are so common in liberal cities. Rather than letting criminals go free in the name of social justice, let’s keep the bad guys locked up and the good guys well armed.
This post originally appeared at