Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

You are a full-time missionary…you just may not know it yet! Now you might be thinking, “John, how can you be sure? I don’t feel called to get on a plane to a different country.” You may have a career that you are both focused on and enjoy. And you know what, that’s wonderful. But my statement doesn’t change—you are a full-time missionary! God has placed you in your work environment for a reason. And that purpose is to share the love of Christ with the people around you. Missionaries aren’t only those called to foreign places—they are also those who talk to their neighbor a cubicle over about Jesus. So here’s a few tips about sharing with those you work with…firstly, start to pray for your coworkers by name. And entreat God to give you an opportunity to have a spiritual conversation with them. And then get ready—because God will use you mightily! Not sure where to start? Visit our website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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