The top promoters of transgender culture are not the leftwing radicals that you might ordinarily suspect. Major sports leagues are at the front line of trying to overturn biological reality. Those that stand in the way quickly find themselves staring down a freight train of power and money. Three of the top five golfers at the recent Masters’ tournament are part of the anti-woke LIV tour, but it is locked out of good television contracts because it held a few events at Trump-owned golf courses. LIV will not be promoting a transgender culture either, while the television-controlled PGA or LPGA Tour might.
The Trump-hating media is in control of the money in professional sports, and from there Leftists are trying to impose a transgender culture on 330 million Americans. Professional sports leagues and the NCAA have grown to a nearly trillion-dollar industry, and impact culture far greater than the Rockefeller oil monopoly of more than a century ago ever did. Defending our culture and the integrity of girls’ sports requires uprooting the source of the push for a transgender culture. A handful of pro sports monopolies and their exclusivity on billion-dollar television contracts are what Congress and the states need to eradicate.
LIV golf, as reportedly funded by Saudi Arabian billionaires, is not going along with the demand for a transgender culture. Neither is China, Russia, Japan, Africa, and most other countries, no matter what the liberal media wants. Yet anti-Trump forces in the United States will stop at nothing to remake American culture in their pro-trans image. Ironically, Trump himself was locked out by television exclusivity with the NFL when he led an upstart rival football league, the USFL, nearly 40 years ago. Trump’s lawsuit against the NFL in Manhattan ended with a jury verdict partially in his favor but without an award of sufficient damages.
Giant sports conglomerates are big and powerful, so it should come as no surprise that the left would leverage that power to spread their message to the world. However, the grassroots can also be big and powerful, so it is time to let these titans know that we won’t let them rip apart our culture.
This post originally appeared at