Photo: Castle Romeo nuclear test; courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Field Office; cropped
What is unthinkable at the beginning of a war can become inevitable as war drags on and people are hardened by its atrocities. The vicious use of chemical weapons unfortunately became prevalent as World War I wore on, to the point where both sides began wearing gas masks. Neither President Joe Biden nor NATO should be playing a game of nuclear chess with the grandmasters in Russia. As Biden and entrenched D.C. politicians of both parties scheme to involve the United States further in a border war on the other side of the globe, Donald Trump is the most outspoken voice against it.
The American people, particularly the all-important young voters, want no part of a confrontation with Russia, with the possibility that battlefield nukes could eventually be deployed. Biden and the Leftist leaders of NATO, however, continue to provoke Russia to the point where it moves nuclear weapons into position for possible battlefield use.
Biden and the Deep State should not try to defeat a Russian army that has access to battlefield nuclear weapons in its own backyard. This escalating war has pushed Russia into a stronger alliance with another adversary holding many nuclear warheads, Communist China. While much has been speculated about what this alliance could mean on the battlefield, there is no doubt that a collaboration between the two regimes is not good for American military superiority.
However, Russia and China are not the only regimes that America should be worried about right now. Communist North Korea fired two warning missiles against the arrival nearby of a U.S. aircraft carrier. Biden has limited bandwidth for conflicts halfway around the world, and North Korea might exploit Biden’s obsession with Russia. All that says nothing of the threat of a nuclear Iran, which grows more and more plausible with the Biden Administration’s influence.
In short, the world is on the brink of nuclear chaos on several different levels, and America needs a strong leader to deal with these crises. No one honestly thinks that Joe Biden is the man for that job. We need a leader who knows how to play tough, play smart, and value American lives and interests. Nuclear war is a bad deal for America.
This post originally appeared at