Have you ever been talking to someone about something entirely unrelated to politics and heard something that made you immediately recognize them as either liberal or conservative? The left has long used political correctness as a tool to police the language used by Americans. Those that conform to the rules of political correctness are identifiable as either leftists or those too intimidated to take a stand, while those who break the rules of political correctness are instantly outed as conservatives, regardless of whether the topic of politics ever comes up in conversation.

This system of verbal do’s and don’ts may have been in place for a long time, but the rules change as the goalposts of the left shift ever further leftward. As you might imagine, these sliding standards make it incredibly easy for an unsuspecting person to fall victim to accidentally breaching the unwritten rules of political correctness. Such was the case of one educator in Massachusetts, who had a job offer as superintendent yanked out from under him after he committed the grave crime of respectfully referring to two women as “ladies” in an email.

Vito Perrone had been offered the superintendent role of Easthampton Schools. He sent an email to the school system’s chair and an executive assistant with “ladies” in the salutation. Both of the recipients were female, but they considered the word to be a “hostile and derogatory” “microaggression” and had the offer withdrawn from Perrone, who was baffled by the whole situation. As he put it, “I grew up in a time when ‘ladies’ and gentlemen’ was a sign of respect. I didn’t intend to insult anyone.”

Yet, it appears Perrone did not know the woke rules of political correctness. A “microaggression” is when you say something insulting to someone else without even trying to, like referring to women as “ladies.” Though unintentional, microaggressions are still unforgivable sins to the left, which is why it is so vitally important for us to fight back against these outlandish speech codes, especially in our educational institutions. Political correctness is a cancer on society punishing those that do not confirm to a list of unwritten and unfounded rules.

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/liberalism-and-conservatism/political-correctness/the-shifting-standards-of-political-correctness/

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