Chemical abortion is just another type of hit-and-run abortion that enriches the abortion industry, with much of that money plowed back into electing liberal politicians and judges. Tens of millions of dollars from out of state recently poured into Wisconsin to elect a supporter of the abortion industry to its state supreme court, tilting that court to 4-3 Democrat. In states that permit ballot initiatives, such as Missouri and Ohio, the abortion industry will put initiatives to expand abortion on the ballot, and will spend many millions to pass them. That’s what the abortion industry did in Michigan last year, and as a result both houses of the state legislature flipped to Democrat control. Make no mistake about it: the abortion industry is an “industry” in the coldest sense of the word. They care only about profits, not about the well-being of the vulnerable women and girls who comprise their consumer base.
The author of the Good Friday decision against the abortion pill was Trump-appointed Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk. The inevitable appeal went to the Fifth Circuit, which put a hold on the ruling, and from there to the Supreme Court, which unjustly overturned this righteous decision.
The scourge of chemical abortions should not be overlooked by the life-affirming community. More than half the abortions in the U.S. today are chemical rather than surgical. To hide the harm caused by this chemical warfare against the unborn, more than 60% of emergency room visits after taking the abortion pill are miscoded as “miscarriages” rather than as adverse effects of abortion. This insidious statistic lays bare the common collaboration between the political left and the titans of Big Pharma who benefit from lax regulation of harmful drugs like mifepristone, which was the subject of the Supreme Court decision.
Though the abortion lobby Democrats are clearly in bed with powerful forces in the drug industry, the effectiveness of a well-organized and motivated grassroots community is still a force to be reckoned with. The Supreme Court obviously isn’t going to do our work for us, so spread the word that the time is now to crack down on the pill-pushing abortionists who are harming vulnerable women and girls.
This post originally appeared at