Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Has someone moved into your neighborhood this summer? I was surprised to learn recently that 8.4 percent of Americans move annually. And that means about 39 million people will move this year. And 80 percent of those moves take place between April and Labor Day. So guess what that means? We have a great opportunity to walk over with a plate of cookies or a pie and welcome our new neighbors to the neighborhood. While chatting, you could ask if they’re looking for a new church home; and if so, suggest yours. Tell them what it’s like. You can even offer to give them a ride or to meet them at the church to sit together. If they have children, make sure they know something about your church’s children and youth activities. Parents often choose a church with their children in mind. So let’s be welcoming neighbors and pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading in every conversation. For more resources, visit our website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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