Romans 13 in the Bible gives a roadmap for how government leaders should carry out their duties. Verse 4 says “For he [a ruler] is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” As Scripture clearly proscribes, we need a government that punishes evil and upholds the good. Instead, we so often see good being punished and evil being rewarded.

When the heroic ex-Marine Daniel Penny restrained a violent criminal who was threatening subway passengers, the police who were called to the scene saw no reason to arrest Penny, and no charges were initially brought even after Neely was declared dead at a hospital. Self-defense and protecting others has never been a crime, and should not become one now. Yet, manslaughter charges were filed against Penny by a politically motivated Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.

Despite the partisan divide over this case, one New York Democrat has publicly defended the subway hero. Former Governor David Paterson said on Sunday that Penny “did something because he saw danger for other people and tried to prevent it. He did not meet the threshold where you charge someone.” Paterson suggested that District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a fellow African-American, may have charged Penny merely because other minorities have died under similar circumstances in the past. During his single term as governor, Paterson often used his pardon power to correct injustices.

An Army sergeant convicted of killing an armed Black Lives Matter protester in Austin, despite asserting that it was in self-defense, just received a harsh sentence of 25 years in prison. Penny could be imprisoned for 15 years if convicted of manslaughter, but reasonable self-defense should not face such punishment.

The Bible is clear that the duty of civil government is to punish evil and promote good. It’s time to restore a biblical view of governance, starting first and foremost with restoring the good name of the hero Daniel Perry.

This post originally appeared at

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