Army Day, Navy Day and Air Force Day were combined in 1949 to be Armed Forces Day, celebrated the 3RD SATURDAY IN MAY.
Army Day formerly was the date the US entered World War I, April 6, 1917.
Navy Day formerly was President Theodore Roosevelt’s birthday, October 27, as he was a driving force behind the U.S. becoming a major sea power.
Air Force Day formerly was August 1, the day the War Department established a division of aeronautics in 1947, marking the 40th anniversary the Army’s Aeronautical Division, Signal Corps.
President George Washington stated in his First Annual Message, January 8, 1790:
“Secure the blessings which a Gracious Providence has placed with in our reach …
Among the … objects which will engage your attention that of providing for the common defense will merit particular regard.
To be prepared for War is the most effectual means of preserving peace.”
President Richard Nixon remarked on Armed Forces Day, MAY 19, 1973, at Norfolk Naval Base:
“Men and women who wear the uniform of our country are supposed to salute the Commander in Chief … but on this day, I, as your Commander in Chief, salute you, each and every American who serves in our Army, our Navy, our Air Force, our Marine Corps, and our Coast Guard.
Your courage, your steadfastness are the backbone of America’s influence for peace around the world …
… We owe you … a debt of gratitude we can never fully repay …
– to the more than 2 million men and women now serving in uniform;
– to the millions of veterans who have returned to civilian life;
– to those missing in action and those magnificent men who ‘roughed it out’ in enemy prison camps; and above all,
– to the memory of those who gave their lives for their country …”
Nixon continued:
“We are thankful, too, for the strengths and the sacrifices of America’s military families …
We must reject the well-intentioned but misguided suggestions … to slash America’s defenses by billions of dollars.
There could be no more certain formula for failure in the negotiations … no more dangerous invitation for other powers to break the peace …
… Bluntly: A vote for a weak America is a vote against peace.
A vote for a strong America is a vote for peace …
So, support those men and women who have the courage in the Congress to vote for a strong America …
The whole world today is watching to see whether the Star-Spangled Banner still waves … Let us prove that it does …
Then we can look to the future with confidence that Armed Forces Day in the years to come will be … a day of peace for America and for all the people of the world.”
U.S. Army Chaplain, Father William Thomas Cummings, was among those captured during World War II by the Imperial Japanese at Bataan, Philippines.
He died when the prisoner “hell ship” he was on was hit with a torpedo.
Father Cummings had stated in a battlefield sermon:
“There are no atheists in the foxholes.”
Dwight Eisenhower broadcast from the White House for the American Legion’s Back-to-God, February 7, 1954:
“As a former soldier, I am delighted that our veterans are sponsoring a movement to increase our awareness of God in our daily lives.
In battle, they learned a great truth – that there are no atheists in the foxholes.
They know that in time of test and trial, we instinctively turn to God for new courage and peace of mind.”
Chief of Naval Operation Admiral Vernon Clark, stated July 21, 2000 (AG News, July 28, 2000):
“My hopes, my most sincere desire … for the future take the form of a prayer along the lines of Admiral Holderby.
And that is that our Heavenly Father will grant me wisdom and courage and make clear the way ahead, so that when we are finished, we can say … that we did the right thing … that we served well.”
A member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Vernon Clark was quoted in the Pentecostal Evangel:
“I have found plenty of opportunities to practice my belief in prayer. The Navy offers incredible challenge.
When we get placed in positions of leadership we are responsible for mission accomplishment, for the manner in which our nation is represented, for the conduct of people who are assigned to our commands, and for outcomes, which can include matters of life and death.
The Scriptures say, ‘We have not because we ask not.’ I have learned the wisdom of asking for wisdom, for guidance … and for help.”
General Douglas MacArthur addressed Massachusetts State Legislature in Boston, on July 25, 1951:
“I find in existence a new and heretofore unknown and dangerous concept
that the members of our Armed Forces owe primary allegiance … to those who temporarily exercise the authority … rather than to the … Constitution which they are sworn to defend. No proposition could be more dangerous …
… For its application would at once convert them from their traditional and constitutional role as the instrument for the defense of the Republic into something partaking of the nature of a praetorian guard, owing its allegiance to the political master of the hour …
… Members of the armed services have been subjected to the most arbitrary and ruthless treatment for daring to speak the truth in accordance with conviction and conscience.”
During the Spanish-American War, Republican President William McKinley had black and white soldiers and sailors integrated.
General “Black Jack” Pershing, who was a Republican, wrote that in fighting to free Cuba:
“White regiments, black regiments, regulars and Rough Riders, representing the young manhood of the North and the South, fought shoulder to shoulder, unmindful of race or color, unmindful of whether commanded by ex-Confederate or not, and mindful of only their common duty as Americans.”
Democrat President Woodrow Wilson segregated the U.S. Army.
During World War II, Republican General Dwight Eisenhower integrated the military, forbade racism, and made the decision to arm black American soldiers with weapons.
Franklin D. Roosevelt warned of the dangers of Critical Race Theory being taught, January 3, 1940:
“Doctrines that set group against group, faith against faith, race against race, class against class, fanning the fires of hatred in men too despondent, too desperate to think for themselves, were used as rabble-rousing slogans on which dictators could ride to power.
And once in power they could saddle their tyrannies on whole nations.”
Roosevelt commented on the divisive tactic of “race-baiting,” November 1, 1940:
“Those forces … oppose Christianity because it preaches democracy …
We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions – bound together by … the unity of freedom and equality.
Whoever seeks to set one nationality against another, seeks to degrade all nationalities.
Whoever seeks to set one race against another seeks to enslave all races …
So-called racial voting blocs are the creation of designing politicians who profess to be able to deliver them on Election Day.”
On January 25, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote the prologue of a special Gideons’ edition of the New Testament & Book of Psalms distributed to millions of soldiers and sailors:
“As Commander-in-Chief, I take pleasure in commending the reading of the Bible to all who serve in the armed forces of the United States … –(signed) Franklin D. Roosevelt.”
On Armed Forces Day, May 15, 1995, Secretary of Defense William Perry said:
“In World War II, the United States Armed Forces helped defeat the forces of aggression and oppression on two sides of the globe …
In the Cold War, we faced down the global Soviet threat.
Today, our forces stand guard, at home and abroad, against a range of potential threats …”
Secretary Perry continued:
“On Armed Forces Day, the nation says thank you to our men and women in uniform, their families, and the communities that support them … Daniel Webster said,
‘God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.'”

American Minute is a registered trademark of William J. Federer. Permission granted to forward, reprint, or duplicate.
Image Credits: Public Domain; Description: U.S. Soldiers, with Alpha Troop, 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, pose for a photo with a M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle and a AH-64 Apache Helicopter in the Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility, November 23, 2020. The soldiers are in Syria to support the Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) mission. CJTF remains committed to working by, with, and through our partners to ensure the enduring defeat of Daesh. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Jensen Guillory); Date: November 22, 2020, 19:00:00; Source: https://www.dvidshub.net/image/6432856/m2-bradley-infantry-fighting-vehicles-northeast-syria ; https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:M2_Bradley_Infantry_Fighting_Vehicles_in_Northeast_Syria_2020.jpg
This post originally appeared at https://americanminute.com/blogs/todays-american-minute/u-s-armed-forces-american-minute-with-bill-federer