Genesis 4:21
“His brother’s name was Jubal. He was the father of all those who play the harp and flute.”

Which is more likely to last buried in the ground for a few thousand years, a wooden spoon or a stone hammer? Since the hammer will last long after the wood has decayed, the further back we go in human history, the more likely we are to find only the most durable things humans left behind.

This general principle explains why those who believe in evolution talk about “stone age” people. They often portray so-called “stone-age” people as primitive brutes who carried clubs around, grunted a lot and were definitely in need of a bath. Those of us who know that humans have always been human know that this picture is inaccurate. It is unfortunate that, for example, the literature of our earliest ancestors, or the toys they undoubtedly made for their children, have not been preserved to our day.

Do you think it sounds strange to talk about the literature of “stone age” people? Yet modern science does recognize their art. So-called prehistoric people have left us hundreds of beautiful paintings in caves around the world. Over 220 paintings are found in Lascaux, France alone. Research reveals that the painters who created this beautiful and sensitive art did so using artificial lighting, palettes and scaffolding. They carefully milled and mixed minerals to create a variety of colors that remain bright and rich thousands of years later.

As we look at the paintings left by so-called “stone age” painters, we can clearly see that the claims that humans have progressed up from the brute animal stage are false.

Prayer: Dear Father, people would sooner see themselves as animals than as the special creatures You created for a relationship with Yourself. Help me to grow in my relationship with You through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

REF: Digging up the real story. Science News, Oct. 1984. p. 87. Picture: Cave painting of bison –

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