Algunas Bacterias Son Buenas
Génesis 1:31“Y vio Dios todo lo que había hecho, y he aquí que era bueno en gran manera. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día sexto.”Queremos evitar que…
Génesis 1:31“Y vio Dios todo lo que había hecho, y he aquí que era bueno en gran manera. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día sexto.”Queremos evitar que…
This unanimous decision from the appeals court is a great victory for religious freedom. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds…
Kerby Anderson Americans are starting to realize how much privacy they are losing. It isn’t just the government through surveillance that is invading our privacy. Major corporations are collecting information…
This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to the authority of God’s Word. Yesterday we learned about “extinction activists” who think humans should purposefully go…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · July 11 | Leftist Mob Seeks Vengeance For Dead Criminal When the Leftist mob calls Daniel Penny a vigilante instead of a Good Samaritan for restraining…
Gallop, a widely respected polling group, has published the results of their annual Values and Beliefs Survey, which includes America’s opinion on abortion. The poll indicates a four percentage increase…
LISTEN (text to speech) Download as PDF... King George III's British army was forced to evacuate Boston. They then headed to New York. . General George Washington responded by…
Numbers 11:5“We remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic.”Garlic. Even say the word and some people move…
Salmo 19:1Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios, Y el firmamento anuncia la obra de sus manos.En anteriores emisiones de “Momentos de La Creación”, he criticado la búsqueda de vida…
There must be equal access and equal treatment for these Good News Clubs. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds the…