Polling booth in Greece (June 2023 election) by NikosLikomitros; (CC0 1.0)Public Domain Dedication

By a stunning 20-point margin, the conservative New Democracy Party in Greece prevailed in its recent national election, thus highlighting a trend that can be seen throughout Europe. For decades socialists had badly governed that ancient birthplace of democracy, running up immense debt and causing other problems which the conservative leadership has since overcome. This landslide surpassed the polling predictions, and is being described as a political earthquake. The reason for this triumph in Greece is clear: the conservative party there took a tough stance against migration, which is the opposite of what Pres. Joe Biden is doing here in America.

On the eve of the national Greek election a video went viral purporting to show mistreatment of migrants, many of whom sneak in by the sea. Supposedly the conservative candidate, currently its prime minister, was allowing the placement of migrants on rafts and then abandoning them in the middle of the Aegean Sea. It turns out that that video did not hurt Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis with voters. “We protected our country’s borders both on land and at sea, and reduced irregular arrivals by 90 percent.” He said this at a campaign rally until he was drowned out by applause. Greece was getting 10,000 migrants a month from Turkey, while Joe Biden is allowing many times that number to enter the United States from Mexico each month. The Republican Party should take a stronger stance against this than it has, and the Greek election shows where voters are on this issue.

All of Europe has quietly reversed its pro-immigrant policy of five years ago, and now the European Union even seems fine with countries closing their borders. In other words, political leaders in Europe have come around to agree with the position first espoused by Donald Trump, despite snickering against him at that time while he was president. As even liberal cities throughout the nation have now testified, we do not have the resources to prop up every alien who wants to live on Americans’ good graces. We should take a lesson from Greece and stand up to illegal immigration.

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/national-sovereignty/america-first/greece-election-landslide-highlights-immigration-opposition%EF%BF%BC/

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