We’ve all heard how the left has used publicly-funded libraries to advance their radical agenda with such abominations as “drag queen story hours.” These events feature men dressed up as caricatures of women dancing provocatively and reading books fraught with objectionable content which could only be classified as grooming. In response, Christian actor Kirk Cameron and conservative publisher Brave Books are hosting “See You At The Library” events at libraries throughout the nation. These events are centered around equipping communities with wholesome programming to counteract the vitriol that the LGBT crowd is spewing.
However, the left-leaning overlords of the library system weren’t about to allow God-fearing wholesomeness without a fight. The American Library Association, or ALA, is the biggest name in libraries nationwide. They have actively instructed librarians in how to block these conservative events from happening. Ironically, they chose Deborah Caldwell-Stone, the association’s director of the Office for Intellectual Freedom to be their message-bearer for how to stifle the freedom of “See You At The Library.”
Stone argues that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution “does not require the library to even offer the meeting room spaces.” She further instructions librarians to host other programming on the same day so that Christians aren’t able to use the space. She also instructs librarians to carefully examine their library’s policies so that they might find some other technicality on which to deny “See You At The Library” from getting their foot in the door. This statement directly contradicts the ALA’s own Library Bill of Rights which states that meeting space should be awarded, “regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.” Obviously, they didn’t think Christians would actually take them up on that.
The fact of the matter is that librarians do not have the right to kick Christians to the curb just because the library’s idea of “family values” is a man prancing around in a dress and talking to children about sex. Despite all of the censorship efforts, See You At The Library will be taking place tomorrow at libraries around the nation. Get out and show your support for wholesome public programming for our children.
This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/constitution/librarians-deny-access-to-christians/