Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Who do you want to see come to know Jesus? Do you have a name? Are you praying for that person? Have you gotten another believer to pray for them with you? A few years ago, the youth pastor at my church became intentional in discipling teenagers to pray for their lost friends. The ministry started praying just for over 140 people; and in just the first two months, eighteen of those friends came to a saving faith in Jesus! That’s the power of praying together for the lost! Can you imagine what would happen in the lives of the lost ones that you love if you would get together with other believers to pray for them? A praying heart is also a heart open to sharing the Gospel, so do both as the Lord leads you and watch as He moves mountains to save the lost and hurting. For resources to get you started in sharing your faith, visit our website at, for tips, tools and resources to help you:

This post originally appeared at

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