Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

One of the beautiful things about the church is that it is a very diverse group of people. In heaven, there will be every tribe, every tongue, every nation represented. And here on earth, the church not only spans every continent and country, but also every age group. And this is a good thing. Those who are more developed in their spiritual walk are called to mentor and disciple those younger than them — just like Paul did with Timothy. For Chong Sok Nah from Malaysia, he caught this vision and attended the very first Mandarin online training to disciple generations X and Y in how to share the Gospel. At seventy years old, he faithfully followed God’s calling and learned how to teach and disciple young people over the internet. And during that training alone, they led seventeen people to Christ. Nothing can hinder discipleship or the preaching of the Gospel! To learn how you too can share your faith and disciple others, visit

This post originally appeared at

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