Travis Lohr is an average kid who became an unfortunate casualty in the war on woke. As a graduating senior at Kellogg High School in Kellogg, Idaho, Travis took part in an assembly where he was to give advice to the underclassman. Departing from his pre-approved remarks, Travis said that “boys are boys and girls are girls. There is no in between.” Reportedly, Travis’s remark was met with vigorous applause from his fellow students. However, the woke ideologues at the school were not happy with Travis’s threat to their power, even if it did come in the form of a simple statement backed up by all of history, a wealth of scientific research, and common sense.

Lohr was quickly barred from participating in his own graduation ceremony over the remark, which sent students and the community at large into an uproar. More than one hundred people protested outside the school, including a school bus driver who was quickly fired. Fearing that the threat to their power would grow further, the school announced that they were postponing the graduation ceremony, but secretly held the ceremony anyway to avoid any negative attention.

While these underhanded tricks are bad enough, the course of Travis Lohr’s life was permanently altered just because he had the courage to stand against radical transgender ideology. Travis was set to begin a dream career working for the U.S. Forest Service. However, his job offer was revoked by his would-be supervisor, who is also married to a teacher at Kellogg High.

The case of Travis Lohr is a sad commentary on just how low the left will go to punish those who do not adhere to their radical dogma. What once was “we just want to be left alone” has quickly turned into “we want you to celebrate our depravity or else we will ruin your life.” Travis deserves to be praised for standing up for the truth, not punished. Yet, if these shenanigans can happen to a kid in rural Idaho, they can clearly happen anywhere. Will your child be the next one punished for challenging the left?

This post originally appeared at

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