Few Americans would base their vote on where President Trump stored boxes of documents relating to his presidency when he moved out of his residence at the White House. Many public officials take copies of documents with them when they leave office. Joe Biden did the same when he left the White House in 2017 and he has not been charged with anything. But many federal workers in D.C. are too virulently anti-Trump to allow the democratic process to work without interference by fanatical federal prosecutors. They have no employable skills outside of government and yet are bankrolled by an unlimited spigot of taxpayer dollars, which would have been shut off had the debt ceiling been enforced on June 1.

The timing of this federal indictment to be less than one week after suspension of the debt ceiling, which keeps the money flowing to them, seems to be more than a coincidence. The GOP majority in the House does not have to allow taxpayer millions to be spent on biased investigators taking pictures of boxes of obscure documents stored in an unused bathroom.

Trump has built successful companies and skyscrapers, employed thousands, and defeated the idol of most federal workers: Hillary Clinton. Then Trump committed unforgivable sins in the eyes of the feds by firing their FBI director, James Comey, and by pardoning the victims of Department of Justice political prosecutions. The January 6 protests were, on top of all that, a thorough humiliation of the Deep State in D.C. for which it has been retaliating ever since. All Trump did on that day was to give a speech while serving as president, and it is very difficult to convert a presidential address into some kind of crime.

Without a doubt, the Deep State has a great deal of reason to despise Donald Trump, but none of that excuses their intentional attempt to silence the people’s voice in the upcoming presidential elections. Political indictments like this are unprecedented. Voters should be able to focus on the issues that they care about without being slammed with wall-to-wall coverage of a phony scandal. Soon they will get another lesson in how Donald Trump thrives when backed into a corner.

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/liberalism-and-conservatism/big-government/why-the-deep-state-hates-trump/

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