In Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott sent a busload of illegal aliens to Denver, which is the fifth Democrat-run city that has received busloads of migrants from Texas. As Title 42 was expiring, Gov. Abbott even bused some to Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence. While that is good theater, it does not explain the lack of progress by Gov. Abbott in securing the Texas border. Abbott has failed to endorse Trump and failed to strengthen border security in Texas, because many Never-Trump Republican mega-donors actually support Biden’s open borders. Meanwhile on CBS Face the Nation, Miami’s Republican Mayor Francis Suarez criticized the new immigration laws signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) as “headline grabbers.”

Despite tremendous pressure from the grassroots, many Republican leaders remain slow on the issue of illegal immigration. It was not made a priority in the legislative session in Texas, which along with Arizona receives the largest hordes of illegals pouring into our country. Drugs come in with them, and make their way into schools and communities thousands of miles into the interior of our country.

In some ways, this lax attitude from our so-called conservative leadership is no different than it was two, three, or even four decades ago. Yet, what has changed in that time is the scope of the flood pouring across our border seeking America’s valuable net of social services, a free pass to commit crimes against American citizens, and the knowledge that even getting caught by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement will lead only to a summons that they can promptly ignore. Our leadership has not changed, but the stakes certainly have.

What America needs, and desperately wants, is a leader who will break the mold that has been cast for the last several decades in Washington. They want someone whom they can depend on to disrupt the business as usual with a clear voice of truth. Would-be Republican presidential contenders need to read this throbbing pulse of their voters. Don’t fall for the trappings of the rich globalists who promise campaign cash. Just ask Low Energy Jeb how that works out. Instead, stand strong against illegal immigration before you get elected, and be prepared to follow through once you get in office.

This post originally appeared at

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