Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Are you walking with the Lord? You know, you’ve probably heard that phrase “walking with the Lord” many times. But have you stopped to think about what it means? Well, first John 2:6 says, “The one who says he resides in God ought himself to walk just as Jesus walked.” Now, those are big shoes to fill! Jesus walked on water! He healed the sick and raised the dead! How on earth could you possibly walk as Jesus walked? Well, here’s the grace of God: even though we’ll never be able to live a perfect life, we can know the One who did. And we can have a very real relationship with Him, and we can share with others how they too can know Him. Walking just as Jesus walked won’t make you superhuman, but it will give you a supernatural love for others. And that love will enable you to tell them the Good News of the Gospel. Do you need some help learning to share your faith? Well, visit our website at

This post originally appeared at

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