Too few Americans are enlisting in our Armed Services, which are not meeting recruitment goals. Beginning July 8, recruiters for the Navy took on the burden of working an additional day each week to try to enlist new recruits. Last year the Army fell 25% below its recruiting goal. That was the Army’s worst recruiting year since our military draft ended in 1973. Recruiting goals today are modest, not nearly enough to sustain a world war against Russia. The total military recruitment goal for 2022 was only 104,540 troops, out of our American population of 30 million aged 18 to 24, yet even that low goal cannot be met.

One significant reason for these recruiting shortcomings is that America’s military has turned from a mission of protecting our homeland in favor of a mission to boost diversity, host drag shows, and achieve a litany of other liberal social benchmarks. However, when the military brass isn’t focused on drag shows, they find themselves kowtowing to globalists who demand more American involvement in Ukraine’s war with Russia. America has no interest in propping up either regime, yet the globalists cry for blood, because in their eyes, blood means money and power.

Apparently only two things are slowing down the globalists who want to use the American military to control the world. First is the shortage of able-bodied volunteers who are willing to enlist today, for a variety of reasons that may include their own opposition to globalism. Trump’s spectacular rallies with the outpouring of an America First patriotism is the other obstacle to the globalists’ agenda. This grassroots uprising against further involvement in perpetual foreign wars, attempted by politicians of both parties in D.C. who are out-of-touch with the American public, should not be ignored by discerning candidates. The allure of globalist cash may be powerful, but the will of the grassroots can be more powerful still. Americans don’t want to start World War Three over Ukraine, and they will vote accordingly.

This post originally appeared at

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